Login & registration
Wordpress has Login and Register functionality. But has Limited options in default forms. Ultimate Auction Theme Pro provides more flexible login and register functionality with better look and fill. and Also Admin can control over users/customer via admin dashboard.
Ultimate Auction Theme Pro provides below facilities for Login and Register.
- Registration confirmation
- Admin can Approval / Reject to users
- Credit Card Details
- Capture Users Address
- Capture Mobile Phone / Country
- Social Media Login / Register
- Login and Register Form In Popup
- Block/ Unblock to Bidding
Registration confirmation
Admin can Approval / Reject to users.
Credit Card Details
Capture Users Address
Capture Mobile Phone / Country
Social Media Login / Register
Login and Register Form In Popup
Block/ Unblock to Bidding
Theme has customer login & registration settings please see before go further for auctions.
Theme will provide some settings for login & registration customer like:
Credit Card Details on WooCommerce My Account Page.
Confirm new user while registration.
Admin approval for new registrations.
Theme will provide login and registration menu in Header menu in front-end side you can click on it for login or register user on your website see bellow image.
Customer need to enter Username, Email and password for registration on website you can see in bellow image.
If enabled 'Credit Card Details on WooCommerce My Account Page' setting in theme options then need to enter card details like Card Number, card Expiration and CVV for register into website you can see in bellow image.
Customer can login on website after registration with enter details like Username or email address and Password of registered account you can see in bellow image.
From dashboard you can view your recent orders, manage your shipping and billing addresses, and edit your password and account details.
Orders page will show customers orders details with Pay, View, and Cancel options to see customers orders details you can see in bellow image.
Downloads will show downloadable product if available.
Addresses will show customers Address details with options to add/edit your address, This will be used on the checkout page by default, see bellow image.
Account details
Account details page will show customers Account/profile you can edit it by your self see bellow image.
Auctions page will show your saved auctions and bid details of customer see bellow image.
Stripe page will show customer cards with add new, edit older card, delete cards, see bellow image.
From click on Logout customer can logout from there account.